Saturday, March 5, 2011

Starting Our Life As Mr. & Mrs.

February 5th, 2011 we became man and wife, this blog is to keep you all updated with what's going on in our life as the Army makes life quite the adventure! Here's a little insight and pictures as to what we've been up to recently. Enjoy!

The husband & I are not big television people. We don't own a tv, so we have to get creative at times to find stuff to do. We stumbled across these birdhouses at the store and decided to paint them. So fun!

My finished product!

The back of my birdhouse.

He made his birdhouse a little version of our dream house.
(The saying "You are home" is an inside joke, btw.)
On the front he put my favorite flowers, sunflowers.

This side has a pie cooling in the window for my love of baking and a small garden for himself.

He has his dog in the backyard with a doghouse, which is where the dog belongs, instead of inside the house. ;)

Lastly, this side has books in the window for me!

Valentine's Day

He made me breakfast. Eggs, bacon, and potatoes. Delicious!

He brought me home roses...

and chocolates! ... and an electric blanket which is not pictured, but has been used non stop since I received it!

Back to Illinois! I had to make a trip back to Illinois to officially change my name and all that jazz.

Autumn Grace waiting for her mama to return with yummy cupcakes from Miss Kiddy's bakery. 

I got to attend my best friend Christine's birthday dinner at Texas Roadhouse. So much fun!

This is a little taste of what we've been up to! There's not a whole lot to do around Post, but we've been getting creative. We play a lot of games and watch a lot of Grey's Anatomy on our laptops. Once we figure out what John's schedule will be for the next year or so we can figure out when we can take a honeymoon and get a house and all that fun stuff! Love you all!

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