Monday, March 14, 2011

Whit's End

We got to go see Whit's End at Focus on the Family. For those of you who don't know, Whit's End is from a radio/ movie series called Adventures In Odyssey. I listened to it as a child so I was very excited to get to go play there even as an adult! We met our friend Jessica there who lives near Denver and we were super excited to get to hang out with her for the day! In total it was me, Sara, Lydia, Noah, Autumn, Jess, and her kids Lailah and Christopher. It was a great day! (Stole a few of these from Jess & Sara) :D

1 comment:

  1. Yay!! ABout John's deployment being delayed!! Happy for both of you!
    Loved Joel's baby?!?! You looked like a natural holding it!!
    Keep and videos too! love hearing how you are doing and what you are doing!!
